Articles filed under Your Money

  1. Columns // Your Money0

    Tearing down our idols

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    About a year ago a prominent Canadian Christian professor took aim at one of today’s most popular worship songwriters in a piece called “Chris Tomlin’s Worship Songs: We Have Got to Do Better.” Setting the tone early in the article,…Read More→

  2. Columns // Your Money0

    I, my and me

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    The virtues of interdependence are largely forgotten in our times. Even where there is very little grass to cut, most of us need to own a mower. Thousands of people hit the highways each day, generally one per car, all…Read More→

  3. Columns // Your Money0

    Rescuing worship

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    If you walk into almost any evangelical church and inquire about “worship,” you can expect to be directed to someone who leads music. “No, no,” you might say, “I’m looking for the people responsible for planning corporate worship at this…Read More→