Survivors (so far)

ChristianWeek needs your help. To put it bluntly, we're finding it difficult to make ends meet right now. We are not alone. Consider these two recent developments on the Canadian Christian publishing scene.

Item: In 1982, Christian newspaper pioneer Lloyd Mackey launched a newspaper in the lower mainland of British Columbia to help unite churches during a Billy Graham campaign. It became a monthly publication that has continued to serve a vital connecting function ever since. Until last month, that is. The February 2011 edition of B.C. Christian News was the last. Even with a large roster of advertisers, the cost of producing, printing and delivering a newspaper became unsustainable.

Item: Publisher Ken Bosveld of Burlington, Ontario recently introduced the “farewell issue" of his fine magazine with these words: “For the past five and a half years, it has been a distinct joy and a privilege to convey stories of the exciting things happening within the local Christian community. However, as the author of Ecclesiastes writes, 'To everything there is a season,' and the season for Beacon Magazine is concluding."

As ChristianWeek enters its 25th year of opening windows on Christian faith and life in Canada, we are acutely aware just how fragile we are. A perfect storm of social, technological and economic developments challenges our ability to produce original, local material that addresses the needs of Christian community in our land.

At the same time, these same factors provide new opportunities to connect and nurture the people of God. We're eager to stay on task. That's why we need your help.

ChristianWeek does not have a fundraising department. We run with a small, highly dedicated staff, who along with various contract employees and volunteers manages to produce three separate editions of ChristianWeek and deliver them to some 1,200 churches and other drop points each month.

Now more than ever, we depend on the voluntary gifts of readers - people who find value in the kind of coverage we publish - to sustain our operation. So we invite you to write out a cheque and send it in, or give us a call at 1-800-263-6695.

Or click here and make a contribution online.

We invite readers to respond. We invite pastors and church board members to recognize the value of a publication that loves the Church and exists to serve it. Please help by donating today. We are a registered charity and provide receipts eligible for tax deductions.

Dear Readers:

ChristianWeek relies on your generous support. please take a minute and donate to help give voice to stories that inform, encourage and inspire.

Donations of $20 or more will receive a charitable receipt.
Thank you, from Christianweek.

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