Dependable delivery is a big deal

Canada Post used to play a huge part in delivering ChristianWeek to readers. No longer. Yes, we do have a base of subscribers who continue to receive this newspaper through the mail. But a majority of our readers simply pick up the newspaper in their place of worship. Have you ever wondered how it got there?

Each print copy of a newspaper begins its material life on a printing press. Ontario editions are printed at Shield Printing, in Belleville, Ontario. The Manitoba and national editions run off the presses at Derksen Printers in Steinbach, Manitoba. Some of them get address labels and are trundled off to the post office. But most are bundled on pallets, loaded onto trucks and driven down the road.

In Ontario, a trucking company delivers pallets of newspapers to Ottawa, Guelph and several other central drop points. In Manitoba, they arrive in the parking lot behind our office. And that is when the real work begins.

Each region has a coordinator who makes sure there are drivers available to take these bundles of ChristianWeek and deliver them to churches and other venues. Each driver has a route to follow. Different churches receive different numbers of copies, depending on their size and demand. The lists are constantly being modified updated. It's a complex business.

All that is by way of background. The real reason for this note is to say thank you to the men and women who show up faithfully each month to make sure that tens of thousands of copies of ChristianWeek are easily available to churchgoers. Although the costs of distribution charges are a significant part of the ChristianWeek budget, the drivers are not in it for the money. They get their expenses covered, and not a whole lot more.

Nevertheless, they are very dedicated. They complete their routes despite bad weather, physical ailments and numerous demands on their time. They are often ChristianWeek's best boosters, bringing fresh enthusiasm and creative thinking to the project. They look for ways to improve the processes, expand their routes and increase readership.

Bottom line: they bring a sense of mission. Our drivers value their role in helping share the news of what God is doing in our world. We are incredibly grateful for the important part they play in putting this newspaper into your hands each month.

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Thank you, from Christianweek.

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