Seeking restorative justice raises some serious questions

KITCHENER, ON—Ask Eileen Henderson what her hope is for National Restorative Justice Week, and a lot of questions spring to mind.

"My hope would be that as we…as members of the faith community might continue, or even begin, to ask ourselves… 'What does justice look like?'" says Henderson, restorative justice co-ordinator for the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Ontario.

"Can justice, mercy and grace live together not only in our own lives but in the lives of those who have been impacted by crime and brokenness? What do we do with offenders and where does the concept of punishment fit in?… What else might be needed in order to respond in helpful ways to individuals who have been victimized and to create safer communities for all?"

MCC Ontario is using Restorative Justice week, running November 18 to 25, to launch a new website——which looks at the ways MCC is helping both the abuser and abused to find healthy, hope-filled communities.This includes highlighting programs like their work with female inmates, providing support and accountability for men whose crimes have marginalized them from society, and preventive efforts aimed at creating safe communities. Of particular concern, Henderson adds, is care for the elderly, noting that MCC has developed Circles of Care in Kitchener, to help address the growing number of seniors experiencing abuse.

"The Christian message is one of hope," Henderson adds. "What are we engaging in as people of faith that has the potential of offering hope to those who have been impacted by crime-victims, communities and offenders?

"Lots of questions and with no easy answers, but questions we need to work at and struggle with, not simply put aside and left to the legislatures of policy."

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