Hockey fans score with potato drive

KITCHENER, ON—Hockey fans once again listened to the "voice of the Kitchener Rangers" and brought tons of potatoes to a recent game.

Part of the annual House of Friendship February Potato Blitz, the Don Cameron Potato Night on January 27 raised $6,394 in donations and 4,800 pounds of potatoes. With a matching donation from Zehrs Markets, and an initial donation of $5,000, the Don Cameron Potato Night raised the equivalent of more than 85,000 pounds of potatoes; the best start yet to the February Potato Blitz campaign.

"We're delighted to honour Don Cameron in this way, says Derrick Pittman, on behalf of Zehrs Markets in a media release. "Fighting hunger is a priority for Zehrs.

"To be able to honour [Cameron] in Kitchener, where the first Zehrs Markets store opened is extra-special for us. It's another way of us saying 'Thank you' to a community that has always supported us."

For the past 15 years Cameron has encouraged fans to support the annual potato drive, which allows the House of Friendship to collect enough potatoes to provide emergency assistance for a whole year. This year's goal of 200,000 pounds is 30,000 pounds higher than last year.

The House of Friendship, founded in 1939 in partnership with local churches, serves adults, youth and children living on low-income who need support. It serves over 42,000 people annually through 19 different residential and community outreach programs.

"We distributed 3,491 food hampers in January. It was the busiest single month in the history of the program," says Matt Cooper, emergency food hamper program supervisor, in a media release.

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