Ellice Café and Theatre set to close

WINNIPEG, MB - After seven years of serving Winnipeg's West End, the Ellice Café and Theatre is set to close.

New Life Ministries (NLM), which owns and operates the establishment, announced its plans to sell the establishment at the beginning of July.

Virginia Lehotsky, who co-founded NLM in November 1983 with her husband, the late inner-city pastor Harry Lehotsky, said in a press release that NLM's initial vision was to create a place for people in the area to come and connect over quality food at an affordable price.

"We had hoped to get the restaurant to a place where it would be able to cover its costs. However, our model has proven unsuccessful," Lehotsky said in the release. "We're looking to sell the business to one who shares a positive vision for the West End of Winnipeg, someone who could further develop the site as a place of hope and connection in the neighbourhood."

NLM is also downsizing its low income housing in an effort to "be more purposeful with a few."

"For a church our size, it has become unrealistic to give the personal care we desire but is so often missed in housing situations," Lehotsky said. "We intend to develop more intentional ways to care for, and have better relationships with, our tenants. We will be looking to sell our assets to like-minded individuals or groups who have a similar goal in providing safe and affordable housing."

Lehotsky added that NLM hopes to keep the Ellice Café open as long as possible while it looks for a buyer.

"We would like to assure you that while New Life's vision for the West End is evolving to meet the present situation and need, this vision is still proactive, compassionate and advocating for justice, as has always been the case."

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About the author

Special to ChristianWeek

Aaron Epp is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer, Musical Routes columnist, and former Senior Correspondent for ChristianWeek.