Aqua Books names new location

WINNIPEG, MB - Aqua Books' move to a new location will feel somewhat like a homecoming. Earlier this morning, Kelly Hughes (the self-proclaimed "Mayor of Winnipeg's Cultural City Hall") announced that the bookstore-meets-underground art's space is reopening at 123 Princess Street, just one block away from its second-last incarnation at 89 Princess, where Aqua spent five years.

According to Hughes, the new space, though smaller, "will feature a larger theatre, workshop space, books, full bar, and food service."

Aqua Books had strong ties to Winnipeg's faith community, as a long-time host for the theological discussion series ideaExchange and its bookshelf collection of more than 2,500 religious books.

The team behind the new non-profit, Winnipeg's Cultural City Hall Inc., has been working on securing a new space and vision for Aqua Books after a community-wide outpouring of support saved the bookseller from complete closure several months ago, as reported by ChristianWeek.

That new vision is leaving Hughes with a lot of optimism for the new space. "Imagine yourself walking down the street in 1920s Paris or Berlin," he writes.

"You see a lit doorway ahead. You enter, walk down the stairs. This place has been taken over by actors and musicians and artists. Are they supposed to be here, or have they broken in and beckoned you inside? But don't worry that you might not be cool enough. It's inclusive, not exclusive. As soon as you're inside, you're in."

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