It’s been 40 years since Tess Christian last smiled.

A woman hasn’t smiled in decades to avoid wrinkles

"Yes, I am vain and want to remain youthful."

One woman has decided to never smile in an attempt to avoid wrinkles.

It’s been 40 years since Tess Christian last smiled. She hopes the dedication to a stoic look will keep her from getting wrinkles. Christian, 50, explains in an interview with the Daily Mail that she hasn’t let out a laugh since a child in hopes that she will keep her youthful looks.

"Yes, I am vain and want to remain youthful. My strategy is more natural than Botox and more effective than any expensive beauty cream or facial."

Christian explains her decision didn’t start off as an anti-ageing device, however, but as a reaction to the strict Catholic school she attended.

"The joyless nuns there didn’t like children to smile. I was always told to wipe the smile off my face so I learnt to smirk instead," says Tess.

What do you think? Is a life without laughter worth it to save your face from a wrinkle?

Read more here.

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