ChristianWeek's independence allows us to report and comment on issues that other publications with vested interests or memberships can’t.

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As people of faith it is our goal to make a difference in this world using our God-given gifts. That’s what we believe, and we believe to be effective we must first be informed. That's where ChristianWeek comes in.

ChristianWeek is a leading source for independent news and commentary on stories that matter. We inform the Canadian Christian community with stories of how faith can engage our culture. We are the platform these stories are heard, saving them from obscurity and bringing them into the light.

Why is it important to be independent Christian media?

We believe our independence allows us to report and comment on issues that other publications with vested interests or memberships can’t.

Through it all, ChristianWeek stays the course, telling stories that matter, many that you will not find in mainstream media. It is a joy and a privilege to do so, but we can't do it alone.

While you may pick up a complimentary issue of ChristianWeek at your local church, or view it online for free, what we do doesn’t come without cost. ChristianWeek is a registered charity and relies on your donations to continue to share these important stories. Without your partnership, we couldn’t do it at all. We are not funded by the government. We don’t rely on denominational or organizational support.

We rely on your generosity to keep on going, to keep our lights on, to pay our printers and our writers, to tell the stories. But we want to reach further. Our goal this year is to raise $90,000, which will help us reach 30,000 readers across Canada.

When you give to ChristianWeek you make it possible to share the stories that inspire others to make a difference in the world. Learn more about what we do by watching the video below:

Our goal is to raise $90,000 to Reach Further with stories that are changing the lives of people in Canada and around the world. Partner with us to continue sharing these amazing stories by donating online at below. You can also sign up for our weekly eNews and never miss a beat!

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Thank you, from Christianweek.

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